Handwritten Letters

To those who love handwritten letters,

For many years, I have loved getting handwritten notes and letters from others; especially by snail mail.

I am the girl who keeps all of her birthday cards.

I am the girl who has a stash of sticky notes filled with words of encouragement and love that were left for her to find from family members and friends.

I am the girl who would leave an encouraging quote somewhere in the house for her dad to find and then wait in anticipation to soon find one that he had left for her.

I am the girl who randomly sends her friends page long letters in the mail just because she misses them or they have been on her heart. She loves to send words of encouragement and random quotes that she had seen somewhere.

I am the girl who truly believes she will know when she has found her future husband when she receives a genuine handwritten letter from him by mail (future husband, take notes!).

I am the girl whose written prayers are almost always written like a letter because she likes to talk to God like He is her best friend.

On one recent Saturday morning, I went into a local antique shop with some of my family and a sign in one of the booths caught my attention. The sign said:

The things you are passionate about are not random, they are your calling.


The lettering on the sign was big, bold, yellow, and very eye-catching. Of course, being the quote lover that I am, I had to pull out my phone and snap a picture of it because the quote is such a great reminder to come back to. Your passions, big or small, are valid and can be used for God’s glory. Small passions can lead to big passions and big passions can lead to incredibly amazing things.

So, I decided to embrace my letter writing passion and change my blog name to ” With love, Mattie Mae” because I plan to start using a letter format for my blogs from now on. I have been wanting to change my blog name for quite a while and I feel as if this fits me very well for now. I sign most of my cards and letters with “With love” because what I write to others truly does come from my heart.

I want my blog posts to feel like personal letters that I have written to you!

Chase after and embrace those passions people! They just might be a part of the greater calling God has for your life and you won’t want to miss out on that. In fact, the whole world doesn’t want to miss out on all the awesome things you have to offer.

With love,

Mattie Mae

“for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.”

Romans 11:29

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